In Sharon, because we get our drinking water from underground aquifers, we must all be mindful that chemicals and nutrients from our property can reach our underground aquifers.
But we also all live in a watershed (the land area that drains to one river, stream, lake or water body), and our actions affect the health of the lakes and rivers in our watershed. Those living in the Lake Massapoag watershed (see map) need to be aware that chemicals and nutrients from your property may reach the lake. Most of the Town of Sharon lies in the Neponset River Watershed. Sources of potential harmful chemicals and nutrients include:
Chemicals applied to impervious outdoors surfaces are particularly problematic as they can drain into the storm drains in your street. Storm drains from the houses on the north and west side of the lake empty directly into the lake. Those along Massapoag Ave. at the east side of the lake are diverted downstream to Massapoag Brook.
Anything sent down your drain or toilet to your septic system, including nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorus, and chemicals.
Chemicals and nutrients applied to your lawn.
Outdoor cleaning products (for decks, house siding, cars and boats). Do not use cleaners containing phosphates or phosphoric acid.
Pet, geese, and domesticated animal waste near the lake.
Learn how to protect our lake from these sources of chemicals and nutrients, and from invasive species that may attach to your boat below.