Lake Massapoag's Watershed At 392 acres, Lake Massapoag is fed by the underground springs, rain, tributaries, runoff, and storm drains in its larger watershed. The 3.5 square miles of land in the Lake Massapoag Watershed includes: • 900 homes • two summer camps • three schools • two public beaches • numerous fields, woods, tributaries
Are you a lakefront property owner?
The lakefront is regulated by the Conservation Commission.Anyone who plans to build, grade, clear, apply herbicides or do any alteration within 100 feet of the lake must contact the Town of Sharon Conservation Commission. This includes the addition of beach sand, which is high in phosphorus, the main nutrient that drives cyanobacteria blooms. Learn more about the application process for projects within 100 feet of the shoreline here.
Lakefront property owners are uniquely positioned to help the lake through landscaping and other practices.A key way to protect the lake is to add vegetation to your lakefront property. Vegetated buffers, like wetlands, are crucial to maintaining and improving water quality, flood resiliency, and aquatic and lakeshore ecosystems. You can find out more about lakeshore landscaping here. You are also in the best position to protect the lake by maintaining your septic system, and being mindful of your lawn maintenance and outdoor washing practices, as outlined on the following pages. When lakeshore owners act, the lake and its users benefit.
Do you live in the Lake Massapoag watershed?
Please see the map below to determine if you live in our lake's watershed. If you live in the Lake Massapoag watershed, you too can help protect Lake Massapoag through septic system maintenance, lawn care and outdoor washing choices.